Monday 30 July 2012

June/July Project Update

Summer has finally settled in and despite the regular downpour Peterborough’s favourite green space has kept busy with a multitude of events and workshops.
June and July brought floods and ruined plant life across the UK, yet if you set foot on The Green Backyard today, you could be fooled into thinking we’ve had loads of sunshine.
You may also notice the new local graffiti art that has multiplied recently; many of illustrations have been themed in protest against the council’s eviction of this amazing land.
In case some of you weren’t aware there’s also an online petition, which can be found at  The petition was started by local Peterborough residents and friends of the project, currently there are just over 1000 signatures – but it needs more.
By simply signing this, you can make a dramatic difference to the future of the site, whilst helping Peterborough become the UK’s environment capital.  

The Overground Live Arts Jam hosted a successful event on 21st of July and are predominantly responsible for the fresh new art on show now.
Over 60 artists turned up on the day, not only to tag and spray, but to perform their music!  This annual event is a non-profit organisation helping to promote local art and help new starters gain profit and public exposure from their creativity.
You can visit their site at

Special thanks also needs to go out to Cummin’s for donating ten able volunteers, who’re coming down this Wednesday (1st of August).
These individuals will be digging, weeding, planting, whilst assisting with any day to day work that needs doing.

August marks the end of summer and also potentially the last Beatroots event.  Once again all the volunteers have been putting their heads together, organising artists, music, stall holders and workshops, so Peterborough can have at least one more summer festival (hopefully with sunshine).
The Green Backyard will be hosting this on 18th of August, bands and more will be confirmed shortly.  Stay tuned to, and

One final thing, to all those that care and can spare some time, please get the word out about The GBY petition.  Advertising this over the internet and on flyers is great, but we all know word of mouth works best.
So do something absolutely awesome today and talk about your favourite, beautiful and prosperous green space!

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