Saturday 2 June 2012

Update May/June 2012

A change in the weather has seen lots of new and exciting things happening this month.  All the volunteers have been pitching in by planting the spring seedlings, tidying the land and generally helping to maintain this green space.

A big shout out and thank you needs to go out to everyone that have helped construct the new building, which is now taking proper shape and looks brilliant.  Outline structuring and the roof are now completed, plus roof lights have been generously donated. 
The project are asking for more volunteers to help with the construction of the building, if anyone is interested in helping out please speak with Renny or Bruce on Wednesdays or Sundays.

Last Sunday (24th) marked another glorious heat wave, despite The Willow Festival stitching up everyone’s diary the Peterborough in Transition course (Thrive), went off with a hit.  Focusing on resourcing ourselves and the community, sustainable living and finding work.

The Pitch in Picnic returns on 3rd of June, where we welcome anyone who can make a sandwich and likes to share.
Expect a range of delicious treats available, handmade and organic.  Today the team worked on preparing the grounds near the children’s play area, ready in time for the Jubilee lunch on Sunday and other upcoming events.
A soup competition will be held on the day and judged by the Peterborough deputy mayor.  The event is in association with the Peterborough Green Festival.  This is the GBY’s round the table Jubilee celebration, all are welcome - prepare for a feast!

On 9th of June sees the Peterborough in Transition: Launch Celebration.  A day that won’t be forgotten anytime soon, with a multitude of sessions, lessons, music and art from 11am to 8pm.
The bar will be back with a thirst quenching choice of real ale sourced from local breweries and fair trade organic wine.
Plus a diverse music range from the talents of Charlie Alexander, Dave Williams, Niksays, Tallaweh, Andy Hughes, DJ Urb and more.  We cater for everyone and love mixing it up with reggae, punk, rock, soul, world music and the decks.
Film screenings and poetry sessions will also be amongst some of the activities, plus a toy exchange and face painting for the kids.
To mark Worldwide Knit in Public Day there will also be a knitting circle for beginning and advanced crafters, a martial arts demonstration of Wing Chun, Tai Chi and Yu Quan will also commence from the Sunday class, plus a talk on bee keeping, massage techniques and a drum circle.
Oh!  And there’s also a baking competition - get your flour and eggs ready.  Plus there will be visits and talks from Pam Hurst from Incredible Edible and Project Dirt.

Further information on upcoming events can be found on The Green Backyard Facebook page at

©2012 The Green Backyard
By Kim Hughes

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