Monday 30 July 2012

June/July Project Update

Summer has finally settled in and despite the regular downpour Peterborough’s favourite green space has kept busy with a multitude of events and workshops.
June and July brought floods and ruined plant life across the UK, yet if you set foot on The Green Backyard today, you could be fooled into thinking we’ve had loads of sunshine.
You may also notice the new local graffiti art that has multiplied recently; many of illustrations have been themed in protest against the council’s eviction of this amazing land.
In case some of you weren’t aware there’s also an online petition, which can be found at  The petition was started by local Peterborough residents and friends of the project, currently there are just over 1000 signatures – but it needs more.
By simply signing this, you can make a dramatic difference to the future of the site, whilst helping Peterborough become the UK’s environment capital.  

The Overground Live Arts Jam hosted a successful event on 21st of July and are predominantly responsible for the fresh new art on show now.
Over 60 artists turned up on the day, not only to tag and spray, but to perform their music!  This annual event is a non-profit organisation helping to promote local art and help new starters gain profit and public exposure from their creativity.
You can visit their site at

Special thanks also needs to go out to Cummin’s for donating ten able volunteers, who’re coming down this Wednesday (1st of August).
These individuals will be digging, weeding, planting, whilst assisting with any day to day work that needs doing.

August marks the end of summer and also potentially the last Beatroots event.  Once again all the volunteers have been putting their heads together, organising artists, music, stall holders and workshops, so Peterborough can have at least one more summer festival (hopefully with sunshine).
The Green Backyard will be hosting this on 18th of August, bands and more will be confirmed shortly.  Stay tuned to, and

One final thing, to all those that care and can spare some time, please get the word out about The GBY petition.  Advertising this over the internet and on flyers is great, but we all know word of mouth works best.
So do something absolutely awesome today and talk about your favourite, beautiful and prosperous green space!

Saturday 2 June 2012

Update May/June 2012

A change in the weather has seen lots of new and exciting things happening this month.  All the volunteers have been pitching in by planting the spring seedlings, tidying the land and generally helping to maintain this green space.

A big shout out and thank you needs to go out to everyone that have helped construct the new building, which is now taking proper shape and looks brilliant.  Outline structuring and the roof are now completed, plus roof lights have been generously donated. 
The project are asking for more volunteers to help with the construction of the building, if anyone is interested in helping out please speak with Renny or Bruce on Wednesdays or Sundays.

Last Sunday (24th) marked another glorious heat wave, despite The Willow Festival stitching up everyone’s diary the Peterborough in Transition course (Thrive), went off with a hit.  Focusing on resourcing ourselves and the community, sustainable living and finding work.

The Pitch in Picnic returns on 3rd of June, where we welcome anyone who can make a sandwich and likes to share.
Expect a range of delicious treats available, handmade and organic.  Today the team worked on preparing the grounds near the children’s play area, ready in time for the Jubilee lunch on Sunday and other upcoming events.
A soup competition will be held on the day and judged by the Peterborough deputy mayor.  The event is in association with the Peterborough Green Festival.  This is the GBY’s round the table Jubilee celebration, all are welcome - prepare for a feast!

On 9th of June sees the Peterborough in Transition: Launch Celebration.  A day that won’t be forgotten anytime soon, with a multitude of sessions, lessons, music and art from 11am to 8pm.
The bar will be back with a thirst quenching choice of real ale sourced from local breweries and fair trade organic wine.
Plus a diverse music range from the talents of Charlie Alexander, Dave Williams, Niksays, Tallaweh, Andy Hughes, DJ Urb and more.  We cater for everyone and love mixing it up with reggae, punk, rock, soul, world music and the decks.
Film screenings and poetry sessions will also be amongst some of the activities, plus a toy exchange and face painting for the kids.
To mark Worldwide Knit in Public Day there will also be a knitting circle for beginning and advanced crafters, a martial arts demonstration of Wing Chun, Tai Chi and Yu Quan will also commence from the Sunday class, plus a talk on bee keeping, massage techniques and a drum circle.
Oh!  And there’s also a baking competition - get your flour and eggs ready.  Plus there will be visits and talks from Pam Hurst from Incredible Edible and Project Dirt.

Further information on upcoming events can be found on The Green Backyard Facebook page at

©2012 The Green Backyard
By Kim Hughes

Friday 18 May 2012

Eco Shopping Online

Having recently moved I’ve had to forsake the beautiful Green Backyard, despite living 5 minutes away now.
Updates will appear in the next week including information about the June Beatroots, but I thought being as my life has still been wrapped up in everything eco friendly, I’d share some handy urls and tips on living green on a budget.
This information came about after hours of being bored at work and trolling the Internet for beautiful things for my home… and myself.
In 2 weeks I have literally searched over 60 sites trying to find products, clothes, materials all in the lines of fair trade, organic and on a budget.  This is what I’ve come up with and willing to share - enjoy.


New Age Living ( is an excellent source for eco friendly home ware.  This includes unique handmade rag rugs made with all the colours of the rainbow, bamboo wind chimes, recycled glass suncatchers, crystal balls, jewelry and more.
The range is amazing, but the best part is most products are sold at bargain prices, so you can revamp your living room for less than £35.


Charlottes Web (  This is a site for females that like dressing really differently from the norm, high street tank top and skinny jeans aren’t available here.
Tye dyed playsuits, multi-coloured trousers and sunny summer maxi dresses are some of the clothes in the range.  Made with organic cotton and fair trade, the range is definitely suited to certain individuals only.  However, the prices still beat the high street and the sale section is even better.


If you like nice shoes like any decent individual does; look no further than Javari (  Forget factory polyester, most of their shoes are well priced, with handmade soles and made from hemp or other natural fibres.
Pumps, trainers and boots fill the site, with many styles for male and female.   Delivery is free and arrives the next day, the only downside is the company only delivers Monday-Friday and it has to be signed for.  For those of us that have to droll the 9-5 work routine, this is a huge inconvenience.

Social Community with Shopping:

Ethical Community is the one stop site for shopping and socializing.  Hosting individual sellers like an online market place, whilst offering the option to chat and e-mail with like-minded people.
Anyone can sell on the site, providing the products are handmade, eco friendly or fair trade.
Two students put it together as a university project, who have since adapted it into a fully functioning online work of art, where you can spend hours learning more about going organic, originally developed the site.
Check this website out at

More updates as promised will be available soon on the Green Backyard website and this blog.
Stay tuned and keep coming down on the volunteer days Wednesdays & Sundays, where you can really learn to be green!  

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Beatroots Returns This Saturday 28th of April 2012

Fellow Green Backyardians and newcomers this Saturday marks the second 2012 instalment of Beatroots.  The local music festival that everybody loves embarks on another day of fun, arts, music and hopefully sun.

This time we see the absence of founders Renny and Sophie Antonelli, so the management team are on ‘strict’ orders to make the day a success.  The best we can hope for is all of you lovely people turning up with friends and enjoying some local talent with dynamic sounds.
There is literally music for all ears with the likes of I Want a Treehouse tearing up the gardens grunge rock style, DJ Urb on the decks, reggae beats from Tallaweh, Piper playing funk and cool melodies and Andy Hughes the multi-instrumentalist.
Other activities include face painting, a raffle, children’s activities, a craft fair and much more.  Expect handmade home ware, jewellery & clothes, tiny tigers and teeny butterflies with the occasional spiderman and loads of prizes to be won.
Fresh food and beverages will be served all day, including savoury and sweet snacks and meals.

Donations aren’t compulsory, but whatever you give you get back with a great spring festival, all proceedings go to The Green Backyard helping to fund the project and assist with new developments.

©2012 The Green Backyard
By Kim Hughes

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Beatroots in April

April brings with it another festival instalment of Beatroots.  Local art, music and people coming together to enjoy the elements and the sounds.

After the debut 2012 March festival success, the management team are happy to announce the second instalment on the 28th of April.
The unusual warm March weather provided plenty of sunshine and good tunes from local musicians for those that attended the first festival.

Over £250 was made from the last event, which went towards the developments on the site.  We are interested in hearing from musicians that would like to play and share the good times, contact Sophie or Dom on, please attach a demo or web link too.
This date also marks the first Antonelli-less Beatroots, placing it in the hands of the management team, expect a few exhausted volunteers at the end of the day.
Food and soft drinks will be available on site, plus there will also be face painting, crafts and stalls plus more to come.  

©2012 The Green Backyard
By Kim Hughes

Thursday 29 March 2012

Update 14 - 30th of March 2012

Spring is officially here and we celebrated in the best way by putting on this year’s first instalment of Beatroots.
Live music from DJ Urb, Niksays, The Last T-Rex, Richard Hall and more entertained the busy gardens on Saturday 24th, anti war speakers Bruce Kent Vice Chairman of the CND and Lindsay German also graced us with separate talks in the classroom.  Knitting, jewellery making and clay modelling commenced outside, plus there was plenty of delicious homemade food to enjoy.
Despite getting a bit chilly later on, the entire day beamed with blue skies and very warm weather, ending with a relaxing twilight bonfire for the management team (who were worn out).
The event was of course raising funds for your favourite green space, which took in almost £300, a big thank you to all that came and gave.
Due to the success of the event and the great vibe, we have decided to put on numerous Beatroot festival’s this spring and summer- stay tuned!

Sunday 25th marked co-founder Renny Antonelli’s birthday, resulting in a bacon and egg sarnie fry up and toffee chocolate cheesecake – needless to say he had a good day!

Since the last update The GBY has continued to work hard to create an even better project, with help from other organisations the lands are getting stronger every day.
Axiom housing arrived on Wednesday 14th sowing flowering plants, garlic and wildflower beds, whilst giving the grounds a good weed.
Richard from Buglife also gave a very generous donation of new tools, consisting of hoes, racks, trowels and more.

Co-founder Sophie also appeared on Radio Cambridgeshire, early on the 15th to talk with presenter Jeremy Sallis about the proposed plans for the new building, plus the future of The Green Backyard as we await confirmation from the council for a longer lease.

Kung fu classes have also been running strong with new arrivals as spring settles in, plus the return of sifu’s Rob Doran (Yi Quan) and Kim (Tai Chi).
David Hughes has been running the classes over the winter every Sunday, rain or shine, with over 25 years experience in Wing Chun (kung fu), he tutors all the above styles between 1-3pm.
Please note that the first lesson is free, lessons thereafter are £5.

Peterborough’s Evening Telegraph are also set to write another feature on the project, all the details haven’t be revealed yet but we’ll be sure to keep you posted.

There’s always more coming up at The GBY, so stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter, news feed and website for regular updates.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Update January-March 2012

As spring begins to bloom more faces have been seen emerging onto the grounds of the GBY, ready to sow a seed, have a cuppa and help get the gardens growing.

Since the New Year the project has already been well under way preparing to make this year our most prosperous.  Behind the scenes, the management team have been cooking up some tasty ideas to treat the loyal volunteers and any new members that want to come along to one of our volunteer days on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Before we go into that, here’s a catch up of what’s been happening the past few months.

After the excitement of the project featuring in Permaculture magazine last year, we are proud to announce that in first three months of the New Year, the GBY have had articles in two national magazines.  Grow it! The gardening magazine showcased a double page spread of the 2011 gardens and highlighted all the great things we’ve been doing to 1000s across the UK.
Also in light of the new building plans we have for 2012, Architects Choice magazine included a news piece on page 6 of their March edition, inviting architects from across the UK to get stuck in and help out with our proposed recycled community centre.

Our rabbit haven now has two furry little friends to coo at, Blue the beautiful grey bunny has a new house mate.  Moony the white rabbit came to live with her in February; come and say hello as they are very friendly.

Sunday Kung fu classes have been running throughout the winter, with students learning three forms of holistic exercise.  Yi Quan (Yi Chuan), Tai Chi and Wing Chun are the arts practised between 1-3pm, come along and enjoy the first lesson for free.  Lessons are then £5 a week after the first session.

The winter period has also seen the Peterborough in Transition classes, bike workshops, willow weaving and clay sculpture courses.  Not to worry if you missed them though, as more of these will happen again – stay tuned to the website for updates. 

Moving onto the here and now, plus what’s ahead.  Saturday 10th of February saw the project host another educational film screening entitled The War You Don’t See.  In association with the Peterborough Peace Campaign, the documentary reveals the main stream Medias perception of conflict.  This was another free event, with food and wine – another success.  More screenings will be coming later in the season.

Another monthly craft fair saw unique and handmade items displayed for sale outside in the sunny weather last Sunday, featuring gorgeous pressed flower vases, jewellery, jams and preserves, cakes and more - don’t miss the next one on Sunday 15th of April.

This Wednesday (14th of March), Axiom Housing roll up their sleeves to get down and dirty on our lands, come along and help them set us up for spring.  These lovely people who help disadvantaged people find affordable homes; manage 2000 households across Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.  They have also kindly offered to donate £150 to us, to help with everything from building materials to seeds.

The week commencing 12th of March, also sees us begin changes on site due to the scheduled work by UK Power Networks, starting with the move of the poly tunnels.
Wednesday 21st of March from 7:30-8:30pm, get your creative caps pumping and your groovy vibes jumping as the drum circle gets together to bang out some unique beats.  Get down and enjoy for just £4.00.

Finally, on Saturday 24th of March we see the return of Beatroots and the beginning of festival season.  This popular event last held in July 2011 sees local artists come together and perform multiple genres of music, a talk from the vice president of CND Bruce Kent, wildflower seed bomb making sessions, artists illustrating a range of graffiti, wood turning and clay modelling.  Plus there will also be stalls with handmade items and clothing, workshops and of course a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city centre.  Come along and delve right in, funds raised on the day will help pay for developments on site.